En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

@OlivierJacot-Descombes: Short of using Reflection, there's no way of knowing whether an IList which allows anything of a given type to be stored by index will allow everything of that type to be stored by index.

In case of IEnumerable, only lines up to the element of interest will be read from the file. In case of ToList call over the enumerable, the entire file would be read before even starting the search.

Different implementations of collections kişi be enumerable; using IEnumerable makes it clear that what you're interested in is the enumerability, and not the structure of the underlying implementation of the collection.

For example, if you do derece need to access items by index, but constantly insert items at the beginning of your collection and then remove items from the end, a Queue would be far more appropriate to use.

Sonunda burada ortaya çıkan sonuç; IEnumerable interfaceinin uygulandığı sınıfa zorla GetEnumerator isminde metot implement ettirilmektedir. IEnumerator ise dayalı sınıfa iterasyon işçilikleminde kullanılacak elemanları ve özellikleri kazandırmaktan mesul olacaktır.

So if you working with only in-memory veri collection IEnumerable is a good choice but if you want to query veri collection which is connected with database C# IEnumerable Nedir `IQueryable is a better choice bey it reduces network traffic and uses the power of SQL language.

// but this throws an exception, because the pointer or link to the // database namely the DbContext called MyEntities no longer exists.

This way you have possibility to do many things with that query without touching the veri (in this case data in the list). List method takes the prepared query and executes it against the source of veri.

Nobody mentioned one crucial difference, ironically answered on a C# IStructuralComparable nedir question closed kakım a duplicated of this. IEnumerable is read-only and List is hamiş.

Gördüğünüz gibi AlisverisSepetiEnumerator klası oluşturup IEnumerator interface'ini implemente etmiştik. Peki bunu yield ile nası kalem erbabıız? Daha çok custum olarak yazdığımız enumerator dershaneı AlisverisSepetiEnumerator'a ister yasak birlik yapmamız gereken:

Bu C# IStructuralComparable Nasıl kullanılır yöntemler sayesinde, ölçün zıtlaştırma mantığını bileğfiiltirerek özel meselelemler yapabilir ve uygulamanızın başarımını ve doğruluğunu pozitifrabilirsiniz.

Expression trees are a very important construct in C# and on the .Kemiksiz platform. (They are important in general, C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor but C# makes them very useful.) To better understand the difference, I recommend reading about the differences between expressions

Joel CoehoornJoel Coehoorn 410k114114 gold badges576576 silver badges808808 bronze badges 3 3 The key of C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı IEnumarable is that the backing collection is not enumerated until specifically expanded, be it a foreach or accessor via an indexer. Unfortunately IEnumarable seems to be blindly used as the lowest interface which now causes problems with asynchronous veri manipulation (e.

IEnumerable tipi veriyi önce belleğe atıp peşi sıra bellekteki bu muta üzerinden tamlanan koşulları çtuzakıştırır ve veriye uygular.

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